D's Oldcigpacks
A place to exchange knowledge, meet new collectors, to buy and sell vintage cigarette packets, boxes, labels. In fact anything related to cigarette packaging!
Discover Vintage Cigarette Collectibles
I am a passionate collector of vintage cigarette packages, from any era up to about the 1950s. My main focus is American and Hong Kong packages but I do have rare items from other countries too!

How it all started
My interest in pack collecting began many years ago when I first saw a Duke's Cameo cigarette pack. I loved the design and colours and had no idea cigarette packages could be so beautiful. I was immediately hooked and now count almost 2000 items in my collection.
Connect with me to buy or sell unique vintage cigarette packages, I always have some stock available.
Find out more about your items
Buy or sell vintage cigarette packages!!
I am an avid historian and love to research items, or even provide an indication of value. Please feel free to contact me!
My Mum and Dad are a constant source of inspiration. Both of them are avid collectors of stamps, coins, matchboxes, watches, banknotes and much more! I owe them everything I have........

My inspiration.......
Vintage Cigarette Gallery
Explore unique vintage cigarette packs from Hong Kong, America and other countries. These are just a small selection to give you a taste of my 2000 item collection!

Advanced collectors and affiliations
I have so many collectors I call my friends and mentors. They have paved the way for collectors like myself to enjoy this amazing hobby. I also include some affiliations through my years of collecting.
Dan is the Editor of the Cigarette Packet Collector's Club of Great Britain's magazine 'The Cigarette Packet' and has been collecting packs since the early 1970s. Dan's knowledge and all round expertise of international cigarette packs and their makers is second to none. His encyclopaedic knowledge of brands and manufacturers has helped me more times than I can remember. Dan is one of the first experts that I turn to for his knowledge and guidance.
Daniel Sanford

Tim started collecting in the mid 70s upon a chance discovery of a pack and tin of Lucky Strikes which belonged to his late grandfather. That chance discovery led Tim to amass one of the most unique pack collections I have seen. I have been given the great privilege of being custodian of much of his collection and through this Tim and I have grown to become close friends. I have the utmost respect for his expertise on packs and turn to him constantly for guidance on collecting.
Tim Brasington

John Kitchen

John is Secretary of the Cigarette Packet Collectors Club of Great Britain and another advanced collector with a focus on UK packs. John also started collecting in the 1970s and has graced me with quite a few interesting collecting stories over the years. John is my go to expert on UK packs, especially pack prices and sizes through the years. I am also indebted to my friend John for his patience with me through my endless questions on pack collecting.

Dick Elliott
Dick is the Editor for the US Cigarette Pack Collectors Association (CPCA). Dick has been there with me since the start of my collecting life and welcomed me back to the CPCA in Autumn 2017 when I decided to start collecting seriously. I owe a great debt of gratitude to my good friend Dick. His patience with me and deep knowledge of US packs is reflected in his amazing and unique collection. This in turn has driven my curiosity and focus on all items American.

Chad Irwin is another advanced collector of cigarette packs and committee member of the UK Cigarette Packet Club. Chad's international collection is completely unique. There are packs there I have never seen before. I have been most privileged and honoured to have been gifted a great many one of a kind packs. I will never be able to thank him enough for his generosity and our regular telephone catch ups with much laughter.
Chad Irwin
Jim Shaw
Jim is a founding member of the US Cigarette Pack Collectors Association. His collection is both unique, varied and beautiful. His in depth knowledge of brands and manufacturers is simply astounding and I am also honoured to call him my friend.